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  • Writer's pictureManuel Islas

I am a child: I am stubborn

Manuel, please!  This is for your benefit not just for class. It is kind of like starting in a gym for workouts, committed to a specific space and time. Uff! I am here again.


This week’s topic is Climate Crisis: How frustrated I feel this week, as a child in the ground of uncertainty! Yes, I am in crisis.


Oh, wow! A process to surrender myself to God and reconnect my spirit with nature. Here thinking again, I was captive by the ground, grass, and the image of a hen with her young chick. Through deep breathing, this investment process of meditation has been an invitation to be under God’s wings. This week is one of those with many challenges and unexpected situations. No time to meditate!  No, No, No…RESPIRAAAA (take a Deep breath).


OK, stop! If God has longed to be with me, take the moment to join the covering of the Spirit's wings and rest. Don’t walk away again. Don’t be stubborn; just let yourself go and flow in the wings of God's assurance, think wisely beyond the circumstances.


Luke 13:34 New American Bible (Revised Edition)

34 “How many times I yearned to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, but you were unwilling!

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